Welcome to our journey! We are Jamie and Skylar, a couple who enjoy travel and new experiences. We have a goal of living life to explore and transform every day living into a never ending vacation!
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Currently we both work full time but our passion is finding adventures and staying active – whether we are going on a vacation or just enjoying activities close to our home. We both grew up in small towns in the Midwest (Kansas and Iowa). We tried to put down roots in Kansas City and bought a house – we quickly figured out our future was taking us elsewhere.
In 2013 we sold our home and most of our belongings. We moved into a 650 sq foot apartment for 6 months to save money, and that August we relocated to the gulf coast of Florida. Since then we have taken many adventure travel vacations and picked up some new hobbies including stand up paddle boarding, rock climbing and yoga. Our blog shares our travel and lifestyle experiences and tips. We hope to inspire others to find what you love and make time to engage in what you love as much as possible! Keep checking back for our travel adventures and tips.
To follow our journey subscribe to our blog and YouTube Channel.